Chen Yangjian's Blog

Carpe diem - Seize the day


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博客从2008年开始写,中间转发了许多幽默、轶闻,如今看来,很可乐,但意义不大。 今天得闲重读,便将其中篇幅较短的收集起来,统一放到这里,不单独放出了。

quote from slashdot.

  • A stale piece of bread is better than nothing.
  • And nothing is better than a big juicy steak.
  • Therefore a stale piece of bread is better than a big juicy steak.
$ chmod a+x /bin/laden
$ # Every one is entitled to execute bin laden.

达特茅斯大学计算机科学学院的 关于王道也不可信的列表

一个bs GPL 和偏执狂 RMS 的文章

BSD、MIT、CC 等授权似乎比所谓的 Copyleft 更受欢迎嘛。

Everything that is old is new again.

Two lions escape from the zoo. They decide to split up and meet back in two months to see how the other is doing.

Two months later, one lion is scrawny and beat up, the other is fat and happy. The scrawny beat up lion says, “I went to the park and started eating children. The police and national guard came after me and I haven’t stopped running since. How are you so well fed?”

The second lion replies, “Easy! I Just hid outside the IBM office and ate a manager every day. Nobody even noticed!”


两个月后,其一骨瘦如柴、挨了不少揍,另一个却显得很富态。瘦狮子说:“我跑去公园吃小孩。 被警察和太保追着打。打那以后就一直疲于奔命。你在哪混的伙食?”

第二只狮子回答说:“简单!我躲在 IBM 办公室外头每天吃一个中层管理人员。根本没有人注意到!”

这是 Slashdot 上对微软、Intel、IBM 相继裁员的新闻的回复。

也让我想起了老友记里头 Chandler 童鞋的那些办公室笑话。比如当同事抱怨事务繁忙、上级分派任务繁杂的时候, 他说,为啥不把通知丢到碎纸机里头,如果头头来问就说你从来没收到通知?同事当他说笑,他很严肃地自言自语, 为啥我说正经的的时候,你们老当我在开玩笑……

ps:该新闻说,微软与 Intel 都将裁员5k余,而 IBM 则尚未通报确切数字,据传将达到 16k。

当 Steve Jobs 遇到 Donald Knuth

Steve 童鞋邀请到了高德纳来给 Mac 团队做个小指导。高德纳是斯坦福大学计算机科学系的传奇教授。 (还有一篇g9写在高德纳70岁时候的文章也可以看。)

我还坐在 Steve 的办公室里头的时候,Steve 的助手 Lynn Takahashi 童鞋报传高德纳驾临。 Steve 小盆友从板凳上跳起来,赶紧开了门并伸出了欢迎的手,就差倒着穿鞋子了:

“见到你真高兴。” Steve 说,“你的书我都读了。”


Steve had managed to get Don Knuth, the legendary Stanford professor of computer science, to give a lunchtime lecture to the Mac team. […]

I was sitting in Steve’s office when Lynn Takahashi, Steve’s assistant, announced Knuth’s arrival. Steve bounced out of his chair, bounded over to the door and extended a welcoming hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Professor Knuth,” Steve said. “I’ve read all of your books.”

“You’re full of shit,” Knuth responded.



the commentator


// avoid using the reverse "i >= 0; i--" style loop here,
// it would obviously be more efficient, but blows up in gcc
// under linux and solaris

FUD 开太大的话就是这结果……

一家大公司的计算机(故事背景在计算机还很巨大的年代)挂掉了,所以他们给维修工打了电话。 修理工在真空管架子之间走来走去,背着手哼着小曲,左看看右看看,上看看下看看。 公司经理跟在后面紧张兮兮地探头探脑。

过了一会,他终于在其中一个架子前停了下来。那个架子并没有什么与众不同的地方。 他拉出真空管的托盘,拿出一个来放进自己的口袋。又从自己的另一个口袋里头掏出一个新的来, 插回去。他接着把托盘推了回去,同技工说,开起来吧。


经理很高兴:“太好了!谢天谢地它又跑起来了!我们要给你多少钱?” 修理工说:“一千刀。”(在计算机还是真空管的年代,这钱可真不少。) “什么?!一千块买个真空管?我要个详细的清单收据!” 修理工耸耸肩,从兜里掏出个小本,写了一会,递给经理。经理拿来一看:“真空管:一刀;找到要更换的真空管:999刀。”


难得在 proggit 上又看到这则笑话,或者说寓言,翻译一下,聊作记录。小学的时候好像看到过,不过那时候修的是别的生产设备。


Welcome to the new decade: Java is a restricted platform, Google is evil, Apple is a monopoly and Microsoft are the underdogs

粉絲們為 JavaScript 大神發起了 Twitter hashtag #crockfordfact, 有愛的“軼聞”都放在 Crockfordfacts.com摘錄一條

Douglas Corckford can have full conversations using only javascript’s reserved words.

Linus Torvalds Facts,很 KUSO,其中一条:

Linus Torvalds doesn’t wear glasses anymore not because he had laser eye surgery, but because he finally got his xorg.conf properly configured in his head.
